We offer membership to as many Beavers, Cubs and Scouts that we can accommodate within our facilities and team of adult volunteers however, we have a long waiting list of people wishing to join the group.
Because of this, it is important that young members attend regularly and don’t deprive another child of the opportunity to enjoy scouting. Poor attendance also makes it difficult for young people to earn badges, can have a detrimental effect on their team and creates problems for the leaders in organising activities.
So that we do not delay starting our events and activities, we kindly request that the section leaders are informed in advance when a young member will not be able to attend, and please let us know why.
We appreciate that from time to time other extracurricular activities will need to take priority however, we request a certain level of courtesy to allow us to provide the best programme possible. Young members who are present for less than 50% of the term will be asked to leave the group and their place being offered to the next person on the waiting list. Any subs, trips or camp fees, etc will be non refundable.
Unexplained Absences
Failure to attend for three or more consecutive weeks without contact or reasonable explanation, and regular non attendance without notice will result in the young member being asked to leave the group and their place being offered to the next person on the waiting list. Any subs, trips or camp fees, etc will be non refundable.
Managing attendance on the Parent Portal
You can notify us in advance of any absence through our Parent Portal.
Simply log in, select "Programme" and click the "Edit" button underneath any of the programme dates.
*if you have multiple children set up, make sure to select the correct child in the top left